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ERP Resellers: Can Your Clients Implement an ERP and Scheduler at the Same Time?

Published June 27th, 2024

Implementing a scheduler can elevate your client’s ERP from good to great—especially if you help them time it right.

While many ERPs include basic production scheduling functions, they can’t always accomplish everything that a busy shop needs from them. In a lot of cases, your ERP-seeking clients will, sooner or later, also be looking for a fully featured production scheduler.

An ERP implementation is already an incredibly complex process, and at first glance, adding yet another element might seem overwhelming. And if it’s done without consideration for the overall implementation plan, that’s exactly what it could quickly become. But, depending on your client’s needs and the particulars of their implementation, a production scheduler could smoothly integrate into the process—or even help it move along more swiftly.

As with most business processes, the key is in the timing. Introducing your clients to a production scheduling module early on has its advantages: a speedy and visible ROI, data for the new ERP to ingest, and fewer fires to put out during the implementation process, to name a few. But your client may already be further along in their buyer’s journey, they may have staffing or bandwidth limitations, or they may simply prefer a more deliberate pace of change. The most important pitfall to avoid is introducing a scheduler for the first time in the midst of a busy implementation, when you, your client, and your vendor partners all have too much else to think about.

It’s possible—and in some cases, even preferable!—to implement an ERP and a scheduler together. But for other clients, it may be best to wait. As long as you and your client have made the decision thoughtfully, either can work. Here’s how.

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Get a head start…

Production schedulers like JobPack take less time to implement than a full ERP. If you and your client can include a scheduler in your implementation planning up front, it’s possible to start reaping the benefits in a matter of weeks.

Those benefits include:

Fewer fires to put out. With a production scheduler in place, your client can begin streamlining their day-to-day operations. Clearer scheduling and greater operational transparency mean fewer conflicts to solve, and fewer conflicts to solve means your client can devote more of their focus to the ERP implementation in progress. Ultimately, that makes for a more successful implementation in the long run.

Swift return on investment. An ERP is a significant investment of money, resources, and time. And depending on the client’s size and the implementation plan, it may be years before they see material proof of the value that their investment brings them. Fatigue and discouragement can lead to distraction or de-prioritization of the implementation process.

Near-term successes, by contrast, showcase on a smaller scale the importance of the overall implementation project, and can keep stakeholders engaged and enthusiastic. Seeing the functionality of a production scheduler gets your client excited about what comes next, and gets them thinking about all the ways the scheduling module can integrate with and enhance the ERP—which maintains buy-in, and helps keep the project on track.

Data for import to the new ERP. Production schedulers like JobPack help you collect valuable data—and extract useful insights—about your production process. Job and machine histories, planned and unplanned maintenance, overtime, bottlenecks, staffing—all of this information is valuable for your client’s ERP. When the ERP implementation is complete, your client will be ready to take full advantage of it with robust business data.

…Or wait until the right time

The midst of a complex ERP implementation isn’t the best time to add a new twist to the process. You, your client, and your ERP partner will have multiple priorities to balance, and your scheduling partner will have a hard time securing the knowledge and resources they need for a successful integration.

There are, however, advantages to taking your time. Your client may not know up front what they need from a production scheduler, but the ERP implementation process will make clear the ERP’s existing scheduling capabilities and give your client’s requirements a chance to solidify. At that point, you’ll be well positioned to plan for this new module.

Additionally, as a reseller and partner to your client, a successful ERP implementation cements your credibility and expertise. Slowing down to focus on one implementation at a time also reinforces with your client that you understand and are focused on their needs. That foundation of trust can help you as you recommend additional solutions to your client’s pain points.

Read More: Have You Heard about Our ERP Reseller Program?

Of course, it may also be the case that your client simply doesn’t have the staffing or technical resources to manage simultaneous implementations. There’s nothing wrong with that, and you should leverage your expertise to guide your client toward the most successful approach.

JobPack is the flexible production scheduler that can match your timing—and your ERP.

JobPack works as part of a full ERP implementation, or as an addition to even the most complex of existing technology environments. We have a long history of successful ERP integrations under our belt, and we’ve yet to meet one that we’re incompatible with. In your corner, our expertise and experience are valuable assets to your ERP sales process and to your clients’ businesses.

Let us help you build your next implementation plan. Learn more about our ERP Reseller program, or  contact us today to learn more about the advantages JobPack can offer your clients.

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