Partner with JobPack to offer your clients unmatched production scheduling functionality.
Helping clients navigate the process of procuring and implementing ERP software is a lot of responsibility for ERP resellers. ERPs are complex systems with a broad array of configurations and options, the ecosystem of third-party tools is enormous, and every client’s needs are different. Given all of that, just finding the right solutions for your client is a challenge—to say nothing of an integration process that can take more than a year.
Throughout that process, clients look to their ERP reseller as a trusted guide. As a reseller, you need to know your client’s industry in depth, anticipate the pain points they may not even know how to articulate, and be able to plan ahead even as timelines are constantly shifting. When clients ask about adding on to their ERP’s functionality, it’s your job to have an answer. It’s a demanding role, and to deliver on your clients’ expectations, you need access to the best solutions on the market.
That’s where we come in. JobPack offers a suite of in-depth production planning functions that fill a niche where ERPs can sometimes underdeliver. If that’s functionality that your client needs, having JobPack in your back pocket is rewarding—both for your client, and for you. A specialized recommendation like JobPack reinforces your expertise to your client, and sets them up to begin benefiting from their investment faster. It’s also a win for us—and we’re making a point of offering our resellers something in return.
JobPack’s reseller program is a win for your lead generation, your clients’ implementation outcomes, and your bottom line.
Download the JobPack ERP Reseller Info Sheet
Strengthen your position as an industry expert and trusted advisor.
Starting off on the right foot with a client is crucial. And what better way to set the tone and start building trust than to have strong answers to your client’s questions? When manufacturing clients ask about production scheduling capabilities, recommending JobPack demonstrates several important things.
Critically, it lets your client know that you grasp the ins and outs of their business. It shows that you’ve taken the time to understand how their industry operates—and you’ve put thought into how to solve for their pain points. A proactive approach tells clients that you have the specialized knowledge they’re looking for, and that you’re putting it to work for their best interests.
Close sales with the strongest product offerings.
An ERP is rarely one-size-fits-all. While they incorporate and consolidate tools that are useful for almost any business, it would be impossible to account for the specialized needs of every industry in a single ERP. In particular, manufacturers typically also need a manufacturing execution system (MES) which can manage their production lines, machinery, and scheduling in detail, and offers real-time, actionable information to help them optimize their operations.
JobPack is the perfect MES companion to your ERP offerings. It’s easy to schedule into the implementation, integrates with every major ERP, and begins creating efficiency gains and streamlining production for your client in a matter of weeks. Having a high-quality production scheduler recommendation like JobPack in your back pocket tells your manufacturing clients that you’ve done your homework, and can help you seal the deal.
Create the best outcomes for your clients.
The ERP implementation process takes place over such a long period of time, and has so many moving parts, that setting yourself up for success early is essential. A JobPack implementation takes place over weeks, as opposed to the months or even years that a full ERP implementation can last. Clients can begin reaping the benefits of a robust production scheduler right away, and the efficiency gains help smooth the way for the rest of the implementation process.
These rapid returns on investment both boost morale for your clients, and reinforce your credibility as a trusted advisor. They also diminish the likelihood and the potential impact of disruptive events—production bottlenecks, late deliveries, overtime, or any of the other pitfalls that plague manufacturing—which could otherwise delay or derail the larger ERP implementation.
An early JobPack implementation also has the benefit of beginning the data collection process: integrating with production equipment, sensors, and other management systems to begin building a detailed, real-time picture of shop floor workflows. All this data will then be available to the larger ERP system once it’s in place, allowing your client to start uncovering operational insights right away.
JobPack is a win for you as well as your clients.
ERP resellers are a valuable piece of the puzzle, connecting manufacturing software solutions to the clientswho can benefit from them the most. At JobPack, we know that our ERP resellers contribute a wealth of expertise, long experience in the industry, and well-earned client relationships that help our business, and their clients’ businesses, thrive.
We want to invest in the strength of our relationships with our ERP resellers, which is why we’re inviting you to learn more about our ERP reseller program. As a part of the program, you can receive up to 25% of initial software seat sales, and up to 20% of the first two years of service contracts on JobPack software. It’s our way of showing gratitude for helping us broaden our reach.
To learn about the ERP reseller program in more detail, or to see a demonstration of what JobPack can offer your ERP clients, contact us today.